Science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) is integrated throughout RCPS' curriculum, across all grade levels and subjects. From cross-curricular literacy lessons to engineering classes through Career & Technical Education, the opportunities are endless.

    In addition, students also have the opportunity for STEAM immersion through Fishburn Park Elementary School and the Roanoke Valley Governor's School for Science and Technology.

    Students work on their iPad at Fishburn Park Elementary School.

    Fishburn Park Elementary School

    Fishburn Park is an environmentally focused elementary school that highlights STEAM. Fishburn Park's focus on STEAM offers a unique program at the elementary level for students across Roanoke City Public Schools.To be eligible, students must be enrolled in Roanoke City Public Schools and complete the STEAM application. If accepted, transportation is provided. It is the only elementary school that is application-based, and students across the city may attend.

    Fishburn Park incorporates STEAM throughout instruction with a special emphasis on the environment. 

    • Science is delivered hands-on, both in the classroom and in an attached greenhouse and outdoor gardens.
    • Technology is incorporated in instruction and enrichment, from interactive televisions, laptops and tablets, to robots and 3-D printers.
    • Student-designed activities are used to cultivate engineering skills and incorporate science and mathematics.
    • Music and art are offered to all students and fourth and fifth graders can participate in year-long strings classes.

    Visit Fishburn Park's website to learn more.

    Student pours liquid into a beaker.Roanoke Valley Governor's School for Science and Technology

    The Roanoke Valley Governor's School for Science and Technology was established in 1985 as one of the original five Academic Year Governor's Schools (AYGS) in Virginia. As an AYGS program, RVGS receives funding from the participating school divisions and the state. The school is a regional program, operated and governed by the RVGS Regional Board populated by one member of each participating division's local School Boards. 

    The building provides a home for collaborative learning by students and teachers. The science labs contain state-of-the-art equipment for use in the science classes and student research projects. Specialty labs for biotechnology, environmental science, chemistry research, nanotechnology, and engineering fabrication are available for student and teacher use.  The engineering lab contains a stress/strain testing apparatus, milling machine, 3-D printers, laser engraving/cutter apparatus, and a range of manufacturing equipment for constructing engineering projects.

    Mathematics classrooms provide a space for innovative teaching through technologies such as computer-interfaced data collection equipment, smart panels, and software such as Python.

    Visit the Governor's School website to learn more.


  • STEAM is led by:
    Dr. Wendy Durham
    Executive Director of Literacy, Academics, & Targeted School Improvement  
    (540) 853-2090 | wdurham@rcps.info 

    Curriculum and academic departments report to:

    Dr. Cyndi Williams
    Chief Academic & Accountability Officer
    (540) 853-6113 | cynthiawilliams@rcps.info