• Join Your School's PTA

    Parent Teacher Associations (PTA) and Parent Teacher Student Associations (PTSAs) offer the opportunity for families to be involved and engaged in their child’s education and school community. The PTA is a volunteer group composed of parents, teachers, staff, and students committed to supporting and improving the educational success, safety, well-being, and health of all students. Support ranges from hosting afterschool parent engagement events at school to sponsoring field trips or activities.

    Getting involved with your school's PTA/PTSA is a great way to stay engaged with your student's school and what they are learning! To join PTA/PTSA, please contact your child’ school.

    Roanoke City Central Council PTA

    The Roanoke City Central Council PTA  is a great venue for city-wide networking, idea exchange, fact-finding, and staying involved. The PTA is the advocacy voice for all our children — not just one grade, one school, or one side of town. We have a close working relationship with the Superintendent and School Board so we are able to stay informed and keep our school PTA/PTSA chapters informed.

    School PTA/PTAs report to Roanoke City Central Council, which reports to the Virginia PTA and then the National PTA.Every PTA president (or authorized delegate) is a voting member of Central Council. Its officers are available to assist school PTA leaders with bylaw revisions, budget and finance questions, the Reflections program, membership reporting, and more.

    Central Council sponsors the Reflections program at the city-wide level. RCCPTA receives revenue from dues paid by each local PTA unit. Central Council then reinvests these dollars into the schools through programs such as the Reflections Awards Reception, after-prom assistance for William Fleming and Patrick Henry High Schools, and scholarships.

    Central Council relies on leaders who have a passion for children. The executive board includes a president, executive vice president, secretary, treasurer, and compliance officer. Central Council’s annual plan looks for growth in the areas of advocacy chairs, reflection chairs, as well as membership and fund development chairs. ANY PTA member (not only current or past PTA presidents) may serve as an officer or committee chairperson on the Central Council PTA. Please contact us for more information on how to become involved!


    PTA Council meetings are typically held on the third Wednesday of each month in the Media Center at the Central Administration on Douglass Avenue, beginning at 5:30 p.m.

    2024-25 School Year Meeting Schedule

    October 16, 2024
    November 27, 2024
    February 19, 2025
    April 23, 2025
    May 21, 2025


    Jessica Blandy, President (president@rcpscentralcouncilpta.org)

    Taylor Rockwood, Executive Vice President (evp@rcpscentralcouncilpta.org)

    Kim Corpening, Treasurer (treasurer@rcpscentralcouncilpta.org)

    Jessie Coffman, Secretary (secretary@rcpscentralcouncilpta.org)

    Marty Gilchrist, Compliance (compliance@rcpscentralcouncilpta.org)