- Roanoke City Public Schools
- Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services
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Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Contintuity of Services
At the July 14, 2020 School Board meeting, members of the Transition and Restoration Task Force presented information on plans for reopening schools. The Task Force included principals, school administrators and school board members. The Task Force established three working committees focused on Instruction, Operations, and Social-Emotional priorities. Those committees established numerous sub-committees that engaged over 100 individuals including teachers, principals, parents, students, operational department leaders, instructional supervisors and administrators.
At the August 11, 2020 School Board meeting, the public had an opportunity to comment on the proposed plan. After discussion, the RCPS School Board approved the re-opening plan. Over the next several months, as more was learned about the virus, and more mitigation practices could be implemented, the plan was reviewed and updated. At a special called meeting on February 24, 2021 the School Board approved an updated plan called “Forward RCPS” which guides the path forward for in-person and virtual instruction for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year.
On May 4, 2021, RCPS posted a survey on several social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and the RCPS web page to ask for input on the use of American Rescue Plan Act funds and priorities for the school division going forward. The public was notified during a press conference on May 3, 2021 that the survey would be coming out the following day. The survey was emailed to all staff on May 5, 2021, and the community was reminded about the survey during a School Board meeting (streamed live on Facebook) on May 11, 2021. Survey results will help guide future revisions to the school division’s Forward RCPS plan for safely expanding in-person instruction and the continuity of services going forward.
If you have questions about this plan, please contact the office of the Chief Academic Officer at (540) 853-6113.
If you need the plan written in or translated into a different language, please contact Supervisor of English Learners, Corey Allder at (540) 853-2877 or callder@rcps.info.
Upon request, a parent who is an individual with a disability as defined by the ADA may be provided with the plan in an alternative format by contacting Hayley Poland, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services at (540) 853-2468 or hpoland@rcps.info.