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The Cub Corner: February
Read below for updates from our monthly Newsletter!
We have several fun events coming up here at the beginning of February!
The 100th Day of School is February 2nd!
Family Night is Thursday, February 8th!
Join us as we kick off Kindness Week with a fun evening spent with our Morningside Families!
5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Activities include: Spaghetti dinner, making kindness rocks, creating Valentine’s cards for the elderly, STEM activities, a photo booth, and story time with Mr. French! All of which will take place in our new addition that you will get to vote on a new name for as well as a name for the original building!
Our annual Kindness Challenge Week is February 12th - 16th!
We will be sending more information home with students very soon. Be on the lookout!
Social-Emotional Learning at Morningside
Each morning, our students participate in a Daily SEL Conversation with their teachers. The conversations help students work on self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, responsible decision-making, and relationship skills. The topics discussed during the month of January were Self Love, Self Reflection, and Moving Past Our Mistakes. Use these conversation cards at home to ask students what they learned about these topics and to help them grow in these areas, too.
Cub Camera | Recent Happenings at Morningside
We are so proud of this Cub for showing up and winning first place in the K-5 section of the chess tournament! We can’t wait to see more Cubs come out to the tournament in February! For more information about our Chess Club, you can reach out to Miss Callie by phone or email at cggarrett@rcps.info.
Our fabulous fourth grade enjoyed their field trip to the transportation museum!
🚂Toot, Toot! 🚂
In STEAM, students are learning how to code with Ozobots!
Thank you to Ms. McCauley and our 4th graders for the sweet, little gift you made for our School Board members. Dr. Arthur presented these gifts during her presentation at a school board meeting in January.
Want more? Check out our Facebook page for more pictures and exciting things happening around our school.
Attendance Matters: We need you here!
Attendance plays a MAJOR role in a student's success. Students who do not regularly come to school perform lower academically than their peers. We LOVE having a building filled with Cubs and want to see everyone every day!
As of 1/5/24, Morningside's Chronic Absenteeism Rate is at 19.08%. For state accreditation, we must be below 15%.
Classroom Updates:
Mrs. Lineberry and Mrs. McConchie (Two and Three Olds) - Preschool applications for the 2024-2025 school year open on February 1st and can be found on the Smart2Start website. This must be completed every year, even if your student is currently enrolled in our preschool programs. We will be contacting you once the applications are received to set up meetings and gather the needed information to finalize your applications. Our students are putting forth great effort during our daily literacy lessons (Really Great Reading and Heggerty). We are working on identifying rhyming words, as well as blending and segmenting syllables.
Ms. Beisley and Ms. Durham (Four Year Olds) - FYI: Preschool Screenings will begin in February. PK Admin will schedule the screenings and then PK teachers will complete the screenings during the school day. Substitutes will be required while PK teachers conduct screenings.
In February, Kindergarten will celebrate the 100th day of school by making a 100 day snack, necklace, and many other activities. We continue to learn how to blend and segment words. We are learning how to write stories in our journals. Both classes will combine to make bread when we finish our unit on The Little Red Hen!
1st Grade
In Reading, students will be learning about animals and their unique features. During science, students will learn about natural resources. In social studies, we will be learning about geography and Presidents Day. In Math, students will be exploring the equal symbol and place value.
2nd Grade
In February we will be learning about:
- Math – Fractions, Time, Patterns
- Science – Life Cycles
- Social Studies – Famous Americans
- Language Arts – Finishing up Wit & Wisdom Module 2 – Life in the American West and beginning Module 3 – Civil Rights
3rd Grade
Throughout February we will be continuing our study of space in Wit & Wisdom and exploring more nonfiction and historical texts. In math, students will continue working on multiplication and division fluency and strategies. We will also be working on reading a thermometer, to the nearest degree. If you need ideas for how to practice math facts at home, please reach out to us. In Science and Social Studies, we are finishing our Clean Air to Share Project which focuses on how humans can have an impact (positive or negative) on the environment.
We will also be going on a field trip to visit the Railyard Dawgs on February 13th!
4th Grade
The fabulous fourth grade will have a Valentine Exchange on February 14th. We continue to work on reading fluency, and students can earn a free pizza coupon for completing their fluency homework this month. The Revolutionary War is happening in Virginia Studies!! Graphs, points, line segments, rays, and angles in Math. It’s all about plants and animals in Science.
5th Grade
For the month of February, we have a field trip on the 8th to the Grandin Court Theatre to see Akeelah and the Bee. Make sure to sign and send back permission slips! We are continuing our DARE class once a week. Students will be picking classes for 6th grade this month!
Important Dates to Remember:
- 2/6--100th Day of School Celebrations
- 2/8--Family Night (5:30-7 p.m.)
- 2/12-2/16--Kindness Challenge Week
- 2/16--No School for Students
- 2/19--No School for Students (Parent Teacher Conference Day)