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2024-2025 Lincoln Terrace Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Lincoln Terrace 2024-2025 Teacher of the Year, Mr. Clifton!  Mr. Clifton is an amazing kindergarten teacher and was voted as our teacher of the year by his peers.

“Mr. Clifton has blossomed into a well- rounded educator. He is a great role model for students. We love his enthusiasm for teaching and making learning immersive and hands-on for his students. His determination to be the best teacher he can be is evident in how he cares about the academic success of his students; he is intentional about meeting the needs of each of his students. Also, Mr. Clifton has worked hard to create a wonderful learning and teaching environment for himself and his students. Most importantly, we can tell he loves the staff and students at Lincoln Terrace and wants to make a lasting impression!”

Great job, Mr. Clifton!