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ParentVUE & StudentVUE

Parent and Student Vue allows the user to view student's information, such as grades, schedules and attendance. Please visit the school with a photo ID and the school secretary will help you with the information you need. 


Roanoke City Public Schools provides parent and student access to student information through a web-based program called Synergy. Both ParentVUE and StudentVUE can be accessed from any Internet-connected device with a current web browser.  Apps for both iOS and Android smartphones are available.

Parents/guardians are encouraged to create a ParentVue Account.  You can view your student's grades, attendance and schedules.  An activation code must be obtained from the school.  This document will provide you step-by-step directions to create an account:

ParentVUE Directions.docx

NEW! Family Registration forms can now be completed online! See information below.

Online Registration

Online registration is available for new and returning students in grades KG – 12.  If you have more than one new or returning student to register with RCPS, you must complete registration information for all your students prior to clicking the Submit button. 

Once your registration information has been reviewed and accepted, your child’s school will contact you by phone or email for the next steps. 

Accessing Online Registration

Please have the following information available to assist with online registration:

  •         Student’s Birth Certificate (or Affidavit)
  •         Emergency contact phone number(s)
  •         Previous school year information

 The following forms will need to be provided or completed in person:

  •          RCPS Student Health Form
  •          Student Code of Conduct Booklet
  •          Proof of Residency
  •          Birth Certificate
  •          Social Security Card
  •          Documentation of Custody

Click Online Registration when you are ready to begin.

Download directions for online registration


ParentVUE provides access to information about your children's classwork, attendance, and grades.

Parents new to the online system or those having difficulty accessing ParentVUE should visit their child’s school to obtain an activation key to create a new ParentVUE account. Please bring identification when visiting the school.


StudentVUE allows student to access information on assignments, scores, attendance, and class schedules.

Students new to the online StudentVUE may obtain a new activation key through their classroom teacher or office staff.