Featured Volunteer

  • Highland Park Elementary School is fortunate to have a considerable number of dedicated volunteers at our school. Their valuable contributions play a huge role in the success of some of our most enjoyable schoolwide events and activities. Therefore, we'd love for you to get know some of our amazing people and the great work they do here for our students.

Sascha reading in a cozy corner of our library.
  • Meet Sascha! 

    Sascha is our international volunteer, coming all the way from Germany to our school in August. We are so fortunate to have him with us for the entire school year. Each day, he arrives bright and early to support the needs of our students and teachers. His humor and lighthearted demeanor made him an instant hit with the students. We're so lucky to have an extra set of helping hands during class, lunch, and even field trips! Students love asking him questions and getting to know him better. When asked about his favorite part of the experience so far, Sascha said that each day is different and he loves getting to meet so many different people from different backgrounds. When it comes to volunteering, Sascha's favorite part is contributing to something outside of one's self.

    Thank you, Sascha, for taking care of our students and our school!

Interested in volunteering? We'd love to have you here!

To volunteer, please fill out the application form below and return to school. Your point of contact will be Crystal Pruett who serves as volunteer coordinator. If you have questions, feel free to call (540) 853-2963 or email cpruett@rcps.info for answers.

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