• The purpose of the Parent, Teacher, Student Association (PTSA):

    • Build an informed team of individuals to work on behalf of all children and youth.

    • Make the public aware of the resource that the PTSA can be to parents, educators and members of the community who work, in large and small ways, to secure a nurturing, healthy, environment for children.

    • And build strength in our members so that policy makers in all areas at all levels will hear a strong, unified voice on behalf of children.


    Parents - Teachers - Students
    Working Together

    William Fleming PTSA, through their initiatives, helps to sponsor programs which benefit the students, parents and teachers of William Fleming High School. The PTSA promotes a parent-teacher night, productions of the Unified Arts, provides refreshments for students participating in the school's science fair and sponsors the after-prom party, among others.

    To learn more about PTSA, visit the William Fleming PTSA website.